Connection Failure with BDRSuite Backup Server

Connection Failure with BDRSuite Backup Server

KB ID: 101008
The error of connection failure with the BDRSuite Backup Server occurs when the BDRSuite Client for File & Application Backup, BDRSuite Client for VMware/Hyper-V Backup/Windows/Linux is unable to establish a connection with the server. Consequently, the BDRSuite Client' cannot send backup details to the BDRSuite Backup Server, leading to backup failures.
This connectivity issue may arise due to several reasons:
1. BDRSuite service is not running on the BDRSuite Backup Server machine.
2. Backup Port (default 32004) on the BDRSuite Backup Server is not in LISTEN state.
3. BDRSuite Client agent is unable to connect to the BDRSuite Backup Server's Backup Port (default 32004).
4. NAT/Firewall configuration in the BDRSuite Backup Server or BDRSuite Client may block port 32004.
5. The connection between the client and server gets prematurely closed by an external force while the BDRSuite client agent processes backup data.
6. The IP address/DNS name of the BDRSuite Backup Server might have been modified.
To resolve this connection failure issue, follow these steps:
1. Check if the BDRSuite service is running on the BDRSuite Backup Server machine. Go to 'Run,' type “Services.msc,” and check the status of the BDRSuite service. If not started, right-click and start the service.
2. Verify if the Backup Port is in LISTEN state by running the appropriate command on the BDRSuite Backup Server machine, depending on the operating system:
  1. For Windows OS: `netstat -an | find "32004"`
  2. For Linux OS: `netstat -an | find "34005"`
3. Confirm whether the client can connect to the BDRSuite Backup Server through the TCP Port (default 32004). Execute the following command in the Client machine's command prompt: `telnet <server_ip_address/DNS_name> 32004`
4. If the backup port is not listening, ensure that both the BDRSuite Backup Server and the BDRSuite Client are configured with the same Backup Port (by default, the port should be 32004). Verify this by checking the `<backup_port>` value in the `<bdrsuite_installation_location>/conf/SGConfiguration.conf` file.
5. If the BDRSuite Service is running successfully in both the BDRSuite Backup Server and BDRSuite Client machines, but the telnet command fails, check the NAT/Firewall settings and ensure that the Backup Port (default 32004) is open for incoming traffic on the BDRSuite Backup Server machine and outgoing traffic on the BDRSuite Client.
6. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact BDRSuite support at for further assistance.